Main benefits:
- YOU DO NOT have to change your current E-mail provider (s).
- We filter 98% of spam and 99.9% of Viruses through e-mail.
- We keep the mail server much safer (spam and viruses do NOT reach the mail server), especially the side of the hard-disk and space.
- You do not to overload the CPU of the mail server with various antivirus and anti-spam programs anymore.
- IMAP and POP3 and SMTP connections will be much faster on the mail server
- With the same hardware as your current Mail Server, you can support many more users than before
- In case of a Cloud Mail Server, you can drastically reduce the number of CPUs, the scanning part of Spam and Virus is all on our server, saving enormously.
- We can handle from 1 email to endless emails; the hardware of our anti-spam and antivirus servers can handle, scan and deliver millions of emails per minute.
- You DON’T to make any change on your regular Mail Clients (Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple Mail, etc.) and not even the technology on any of your Mail Servers (UNIX, Linux, Microsoft, Microsoft, Exchange, Lotus Domino, IceWarp, MDaemon, Etc)
- We accept all existing mail servers of any version, with any operating system.
- Our technology is based on international Internet standards based on IMAP / POP3 / SMTP also in TLS and SSL; you can therefore use it with any Email Server with any operating system.
Anti Spam and AntiVirus Gateway for any email server
It integrates seamlessly with the email structure of your existing company to make your company’s email environment secure.
It’s easy, you DON’T have to install anything. No daily maintenance. Neither on the client’s side nor on the Email Server’s side.
Mail Gateway provides protection against all current email threats that constantly arise to attack your network.
The Mail Gateway’s multi-layer defense system will provide you with the following protections:
The algorithms and methods used by Mail Gateway are the most complete and unique in the anti-spam industry for the detection and filtering of spam emails, with the lowest rate of false positives.
Community-based on filtration.
If a sufficient number of users report the same spam email, it will be immediately removed from all other Mail Gateway users. This means immediate protection from spam without requiring any configuration or maintenance.
When a new email arrives, it is automatically checked by the Mail Gateway community network. If this is spam, a user-defined action will be applied to the email.
Anti-spyware. (Attachments)
All attachments are scanned and any executable spyware is detected and deleted immediately.
Mail Gateway provides strong protection against phishing patterns that are often used to collect confidential information about an organization or its individual users.
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