Cloud Servers: what are they

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Cloud Servers: what are they

If you’ve been in a position of having to put your business website online or share your documents and services online, you will certainly have heard about cloud and in particular cloud servers and cloud hosting.

However, few know what it really is and that is why in this article we will focus on explaining what cloud servers are and what are their differences compared to our dedicated physical servers.

What is a cloud server ?

Services on the cloud have quickly become prominent in recent years. But what is it really about?

Most hosting providers provide their cloud services. Cloud servers are machines, characterized by their own RAM, disk space and processor capable of sharing resources through virtualization technology.

From a technical point of view, cloud servers would therefore seem identical to VPS, virtual private servers, but in reality there are some minor differences between the two types of infrastructure.

  • The first difference is the ability to increase the hardware resources of your cloud server in real time, for example, by changing parameters such as the amount of RAM, computing power and dedicated bandwidth of the cloud server.
  • The second difference between cloud servers and VPS is economic: while VPS is generally billed to users on a monthly or annual basis, depending on the resources available and the data transfer traffic, in the case of cloud servers it is possible to pay according to your consumption at an hourly rate.

No doubt, choosing a cloud server brings a number of advantages such as scalability and flexibility of resources at any time in a simple and fast way; low cost, reliability and ease of setup. However, there are cases where the choice of a cloud server is to be avoided and it is better to opt for a dedicated server.

Choosing a dedicated server becomes necessary when a website, an e-commerce has reached a large number of users or require scripts or software that perform complex tasks.

What is a dedicated server ?

dedicated server rentalA dedicated server is a physical server at the total disposal of a single customer, whose main characteristic is precisely that it can’t be shared with any other customer and therefore all resources, disk, memory, CPU are at the total disposal of the single customer.

Compared to a shared solution, having a dedicated machine means opting for a much more efficient service, thereby providing the customer the best possible which is available on the market.

Choosing a dedicated server becomes a necessary choice when a website or e-commerce reaches a large number of users or require scripts or software that perform more complex tasks.

Having a dedicated machine means being able to take advantage of a level of efficiency and performance considerably better than those that are guaranteed by the web hosting plans with which you usually start your own online journey. In addition, an advantage not to be underestimated is safety. The most important thing considered at DARWIN Servers is that you have total control of your machine and do not allow other users to access private and secure information about your company.

Having an entire machine available for your business means not having to deal with what may be the disruptions caused by other users, which can happen in the case of shared web hosting. In addition, if you choose a dedicated server, you will be entitled to continuous support.

DARWIN Servers has been able to offer dedicated solutions to meet any need since 1995, thanks to its technical staff. We are ready to help you choose the most suitable server for your professional needs, offering you our qualified dedicated assistance.

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About the Author: > Cloud and dedicated server, the fastest server farms in Europe. > Creative agency - Web Design

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